Volume 822

— of the —

Federal Reporter (F.2d)

Green v. McCall

Theodore Green, Daniel Porter, O/b/o Themselves and All Federal Prisoners Incarcerated Within the District of Connecticut v. Cecil McCall in His Capacity as Chairman, United States Parole Commission, and Benjamin J. Malcolm, George Reed, Dorothy Parker, Joseph A. Nardoza, J. Robert Cooper, Robert Vincent, William E. Amos, Audrey A. Kaslow, in Their Capacity as Members of the United States Parole Commission, and the United States Parole Commission

Childs v. Pellegrin

Edward R. Childs, Jr. v. Ernest Pellegrin, State Commissioner of Corrections William Long, Former State Commissioner of Corrections Ron Bishop, Director of Programs Dick Baumbach, Public Information Officer Herman C. Davis, Warden, Fort Pillow State Farm Kay Bradshaw Davis Mills Ross Bates Marvin Smith Bill Howell Charles Cubine Charles Piphus Wayne Carpenter Jim Rose, Former Warden of Tennessee State Prison Michael Dutton, Warden, Tennessee State Prison James L. Vandever Fort Pillow State Farm Tactical Squad Lake County Regional Facility Tactical Squad

Kerr v. Bradley

Morton v. Beyer

Maiden v. Fields

McDonald v. Miller

Heverly v. Weicht

Beachem v. Heckler

Kim v. Burnett

Burgess v. C.I.R

Horwat v. Bowen

Yee v. C.I.R

Vincent Divittorio, Individually, and as Representative of a Class of Investors Who Purchased the Securities of Equidyne Extractive Industries 1979 Petro/coal Program Ii, and Also Derivatively on Behalf of the Aforesaid Partnership v. Equidyne Extractive Industries, Inc. Eastern Mining Systems, Inc. Eastland Drilling Corp. Eastland Industries, Inc. Equidyne Corporation Equidyne Properties, Inc. Stuart R. Ross Joel I. Beeler Peter P.R. Rock Robert L. Liebmann Wofsey Certilman Haft and Lebow Marks Shron and Company Arnold Gruber, Individually and as a Partner of Marks Shron and Company Inland Drilling Company, Inc. And Equidyne Extractive Industries 1979 Petro/coal Program II

Equity Corp., in Re

Duckett v. Edwards

Blake v. Ravis


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