Volume 11

— of the —

Federal Reporter (F.3d)

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Burns-Toole v. Byrne

James F. Koester Robert Rives Harry J. Nichols Janice Spengel Alexander Loeb Thomas Zensen Frank B. Green Dr. Gerald Newport Lawrence J. Siefel Robert E. Perkinson Dr. James R. Criscione Dr. A. Sciortino Eugene Fahrenkrog Eugene Fahrenkrog, Jr. Scott Kell William Londoff John Larsen Spero Bourdoures Fox, Goldblatt & Singer, P.C. Noah Susman Steve Gilmore Robert Evans Dr. Jacques Paul Schaerer William Curren Virginia Curren Patricia Baxter Lester A. Schamel Dr. Alan Pierce Bernie Plouch Jerry Kopp Donna J. Hill Phillip Sweeney Dr. Ronald Hertel Joseph Straub Dr. John Keethler v. American Republic Investments, Inc. American Resource Corporation, Inc. Ronald Ruis Tatco Investment Co., G. Charles Cole Sherman Mazur, Also Known as Masur

Mills v. Davis Oil Co.

C.R.S., a Minor, by D.B.S., in His Dual Capacity as Her Father and Natural Guardian and as Her Guardian Ad Litem D.B.S., in His Capacity as an Individual N.A.S., in Her Capacity as an Individual, Minneapolis Painting Industry Health and Welfare Fund, Local 386, Intervenor v. United States of America, C.R.S., a Minor, by D.B.S., in His Dual Capacity as Her Father and Natural Guardian and as Her Guardian Ad Litem D.B.S., in His Capacity as an Individual N.A.S., in Her Capacity as an Individual, Minneapolis Painting Industry Health and Welfare Fund, Local 386 v. United States

Sierra Club v. Gary Cargill, in His Official Capacity as Regional Forester for the Rocky Mountain Region of the U.S. Forest Service F. Dale Robertson, in His Official Capacity as Chief of the U.S. Forest Service Lloyd Todd, in His Official Capacity as Forest Supervisor for the Bighorn National Forest, Sheridan County Economic Development Council, a Wyoming Non-Profit Corporation, Defendant-Intervenor, and Wyoming Sawmills, Inc., a Wyoming Corporation Ernie Schmidt, Defendants-Intervenors-Appellants. Sierra Club v. Gary Cargill, in His Official Capacity as Regional Forester for the Rocky Mountain Region of the U.S. Forest Service F. Dale Robertson, in His Official Capacity as Chief of the U.S. Forest Service Lloyd Todd, in His Official Capacity as Forest Supervisor for the Bighorn National Forest, and Wyoming Sawmills, Inc., a Wyoming Corporation Ernie Schmidt and Sheridan County Economic Development Council, a Wyoming Non-Profit Corporation, Defendants-Intervenors

Action for Children's Television American Civil Liberties Union the Association of Independent Television Stations, Inc. Capital Cities/abc, Inc. CBS Inc. Fox Television Stations, Inc. Greater Media, Inc. Infinity Broadcasting Corporation Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. National Association of Broadcasters National Public Radio People for the American Way Post-Newsweek Stations, Inc. Public Broadcasting Service Radio-Television News Directors Association Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Society of Professional Journalists v. Federal Communications Commission United States of America, Morality in Media National Family Legal Foundation American Family Association Focus on the Family National Law Center for Children and Families Concerned Women of America National Coalition Against Pornography National Association of Evangelicals Religious Alliance Against Pornography Family Research Council National Religious Broadcasters, Amici Curiae. Pacifica Foundation National Federation of Community Broadcasters American Public Radio National Association of College Broadcasters Intercollegiate Broadcast System Pen American Center Allen Ginsberg v. Federal Communications Commission United States of America

In Re Glenfed, Inc. Securities Litigation. John Paul Decker Arnold Cohen Gary Haskins Larry Schwartz Gary F. Young Elbridge Ruhl Graef, Trustee U/w of Charlotte R. Graef on Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated v. Glenfed, Inc. Norman M. Coulson Raymond D. Edwards Dann v. Angeloff Dean R. Bailey Charles T. Blair Douglas A. Clarke Morris K. Daley Richard O. Kearns Walter A. Ketcham Jean C. Roeschlaub Jack D. Steele Gilbert R. Vasquez E. Gex Williams, Jr. Keith P. Russell, Jr.

Kalima Jenkins, by Her Friend, Kamau Agyei Carolyn Dawson, by Her Next Friend Richard Dawson Tufanza A. Byrd, by Her Next Friend, Teresa Byrd Derek A. Dydell Terrance Cason, by His Next Friend, Antoria Cason Jonathan Wiggins, by His Next Friend, Rosemary Jacobs Love Kirk Allan Ward, by His Next Friend, Mary Ward Robert M. Hall, by His Next Friend, Denise Hall Dwayne A. Turrentine, by His Next Friend, Sheila Turrentine Gregory A. Pugh, by His Next Friend, David Winters, on Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated, American Federation of Teachers, Local 691 v. State of Missouri John Ashcroft, Governor of the State of Missouri Wendell Bailey, Treasurer of the State of Missouri Missouri State Board of Education Roseann Bentley Dan L. Blackwell Gary M. Cunningham Raymond McCallister Jr. Susan D. Finke Thomas R. Davis Cynthia B. Thompson, Members of the Missouri State Board of Education Robert E. Bartman, Commissioner of Education of the State of Missouri, School District of Kansas City, Missouri Claude C. Perkins, Superintendent Thereof, Kalima Jenkins, by Her Next Friend, Kamau Agyei Carolyn Dawson, by Her Next Friend, Richard Dawson Tufanza A. Byrd, by Her Next Friend, Teresa Byrd Derek A. Dydell, by His Next Friend, Maurice Dydell Terrance Cason, by His Next Friend, Antoria Cason Jonathan Wiggins, by His Next Friend, Rosemary Jacobs Love Kirk Allen Ward, by His Next Friend, Mary Ward Robert M. Hall, by His Next Friend, Denise Hall Dwayne A. Turrentine, by His Next Friend, Sheila Turrentine Gregory A. Pugh, by His Next Friend, David Winters on Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated, American Federation of Teachers, Local 691, Intervenor-Appellee v. State of Missouri John Ashcroft, Governor of the State of Missouri Wendell Bailey, Treasurer of the State of Missouri Missouri State Board of Education Peter Herschend, Member of the Missouri State Board of Education Raymond McCallister Jr., Reverend, Member of the Missouri State Board of Education Susan D. Finke, Vice-President, Member of the Missouri State Board of Education Thomas R. Davis, Member of the Missouri State Board of Education Robert E. Bartman, Commissioner of Education of the State of Missouri Gary D. Cunningham, President, Member of the Missouri State Board of Education Rebecca M. Cook, Member of the Missouri State Board of Education Sharon M. Williams, Member of the Missouri State Board of Education Jacquelline Wellington, Member of the Missouri State Board of Education, School District of Kansas City Walter L. Marks, Superintendent Thereof

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