Vandall v. Casto Date Filed: October 16th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1044, 81 W. Va. 76, 1917 W. Va. LEXIS 166
Ex parte Chalfant Date Filed: October 16th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1032, 81 W. Va. 93, 1917 W. Va. LEXIS 168
Fisher v. Fisher Date Filed: October 16th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1041, 81 W. Va. 105, 1917 W. Va. LEXIS 170
McCormick v. Southern Express Co. Date Filed: October 16th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1048, 81 W. Va. 87, 1917 W. Va. LEXIS 167
Ex parte Robert Glass Date Filed: October 16th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1036, 81 W. Va. 111, 1917 W. Va. LEXIS 171
State v. Vineyard Date Filed: October 16th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1034, 81 W. Va. 98, 1917 W. Va. LEXIS 169
Barbour v. W. H. Tompkins Date Filed: October 16th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1038, 81 W. Va. 116, 1917 W. Va. LEXIS 172
Lanier v. Town of Greenville Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 850, 174 N.C. 311, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 81
Branch Saw Co. v. Bryant Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 839, 174 N.C. 355, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 92
Cashwell v. Fayetteville Pepsi-Cola Bottling Works Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 901, 174 N.C. 324, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 84
LeHue v. Western Union Telegraph Co. Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 843, 174 N.C. 332, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 85
Ex Parte Garrett Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 838, 174 N.C. 343, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 88
Matthews v. Hand Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 892, 147 Ga. 306, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 156 Docket Number: No. 48
Hall v. . Dixon Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 837, 174 N.C. 319, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 82
Chancey v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 834, 174 N.C. 351, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 91
University of North Carolina v. Markham Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 845, 174 N.C. 338, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 87
Dumas v. Tyus Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 894, 147 Ga. 307, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 158 Docket Number: No. 128
Fayetteville Light & Power Co. v. Lessem Co. Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 836, 174 N.C. 358, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 93
Walls v. . Strickland Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 857, 174 N.C. 298, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 79
Croom v. . Whitehead Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 854, 174 N.C. 305, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 80
Brown v. Ætna Life Inurance Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 842, 174 N.C. 336, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 86
Hardy v. West Coast Construction Co. Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 841, 174 N.C. 320, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 83
State Ex Rel. McLean v. Johnson Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 847, 174 N.C. 345, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 89
Hines v. Rowland Lumber Co. Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 833, 174 N.C. 294, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 78
Bryant v. Sampson Lumber Co. Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 926, 174 N.C. 360, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 94
Bank of Brunswick v. Thompson Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 849, 174 N.C. 349, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 90
Andrews Trading Co. v. Trulock Date Filed: October 17th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 892, 147 Ga. 306, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 157 Docket Number: No. 64
Brown v. Sims Date Filed: October 18th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 884, 147 Ga. 315, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 162 Docket Number: No. 164
Livingston v. Wynne Date Filed: October 18th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 877, 147 Ga. 307, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 159 Docket Number: No. 19
Dobbins v. Seaboard Air Line R. Date Filed: October 18th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 932, 108 S.C. 254, 1917 S.C. LEXIS 231 Docket Number: 9820
Egleston v. Trust Co. Oe Georgia Date Filed: October 18th, 1917 Citations: 3 A.L.R. 295, 93 S.E. 878, 147 Ga. 313, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 161 Docket Number: No. 28
Daniels v. Commissioners of Pilotage for the Bar of Tybee & River Date Filed: October 18th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 887, 147 Ga. 295, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 155 Docket Number: No. 30
Moss v. Moss Date Filed: October 18th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 875, 147 Ga. 311, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 160 Docket Number: No. 28
Ellis v. Slagle Date Filed: October 19th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 895, 147 Ga. 315, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 163 Docket Number: No. 68
Harris v. Barfield Music House Date Filed: October 19th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 876, 147 Ga. 321, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 166 Docket Number: No. 226
Methvin Mining & Investment v. Matthews Date Filed: October 19th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 894, 147 Ga. 321, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 165 Docket Number: No. 168
Langston v. Langston Date Filed: October 19th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 892, 147 Ga. 318, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 164 Docket Number: No. 144
Adamson v. Bradley Date Filed: October 20th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 894, 147 Ga. 328, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 170 Docket Number: No. 242
Reid v. Webb Date Filed: October 20th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 892, 147 Ga. 322, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 167 Docket Number: No. 74
Beckham v. Gallemore Date Filed: October 20th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 884, 147 Ga. 323, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 169 Docket Number: No. 195
Irby v. Smith Date Filed: October 20th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 877, 147 Ga. 329, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 174 Docket Number: No. 312
McQueen v. Davis Date Filed: October 20th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 892, 147 Ga. 329, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 172 Docket Number: No. 276
Dublin Fertilizer Works v. Frost Date Filed: October 20th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 895, 147 Ga. 328, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 171 Docket Number: No. 267
Robertson v. Byrne Date Filed: October 20th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 895, 147 Ga. 329, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 173 Docket Number: No. 307
Whatley v. Long Date Filed: October 20th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 887, 147 Ga. 323, 1917 Ga. LEXIS 168 Docket Number: No. 178
Columbia Gas & Electric Co. v. Moore Date Filed: October 23rd, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1051, 81 W. Va. 164, 1917 W. Va. LEXIS 180
Allen & Wheeler Co. v. Farr Date Filed: October 23rd, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1030, 81 W. Va. 150, 1917 W. Va. LEXIS 177
Goodman v. . White Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 906, 174 N.C. 399, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 104
Broadfoot v. Atlantic Coast Line Railway Co. Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 932, 174 N.C. 410, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 106
Rogers v. . Powell Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 917, 174 N.C. 388, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 100
Cooper v. . Clute Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 915, 174 N.C. 366, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 96
Wagstaff v. Central Highway Commission Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 908, 174 N.C. 377, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 98
Farquhar Co. v. Hardy Hardware Co. Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 922, 174 N.C. 369, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 97
Quelch v. . Futch Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 899, 174 N.C. 395, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 102
La Salle Extension University v. Ogburn Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 986, 174 N.C. 427, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 112
Universal Oil & Fertilizer Co. v. Burney Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 912, 174 N.C. 382, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 99
First National Bank of Lumberton v. McCaskill Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 905, 174 N.C. 362, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 95
McCaskey Register Co. v. Bradshaw Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 898, 174 N.C. 414, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 108
Newton v. . Clark Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 951, 174 N.C. 393, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 101
Hunt v. . Fidelity Co. Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 900, 174 N.C. 397, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 103
Cooper v. . Evans Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 897, 174 N.C. 411, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 107
Stewart v. Munger & Bennett, Inc. Date Filed: October 24th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 927, 174 N.C. 402, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 105
Dowdell v. State Date Filed: October 30th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1026, 21 Ga. App. 78, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 433 Docket Number: 9144
Geiger v. State Date Filed: October 30th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1027, 21 Ga. App. 75, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 427 Docket Number: 9035
Mitchell v. State Date Filed: October 30th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1022, 21 Ga. App. 77, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 431 Docket Number: 9105
Thomas v. State Date Filed: October 30th, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1025, 21 Ga. App. 79, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 435 Docket Number: 9181
Kernodle v. . Kernodle Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 956, 174 N.C. 441, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 115
Walker v. Georgia Railroad & Banking Co. Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1026, 21 Ga. App. 95, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 444 Docket Number: 8796, 8797
Evans v. Atlanta Paper Co. Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1023, 21 Ga. App. 114, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 457 Docket Number: 8825
Hosiery Mills v. . R. R. Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 952, 174 N.C. 449, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 118
Farrington v. . McNeill Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 957, 174 N.C. 420, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 110
Crouse v. . Barham Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 979, 174 N.C. 460, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 121
Brooks v. State Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1022, 21 Ga. App. 142, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 478 Docket Number: 9059
Talley v. Harriss Granite Quarries Co. Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 995, 174 N.C. 445, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 117
Cobb v. Pope Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1029, 21 Ga. App. 103, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 454 Docket Number: 8798
Hill v. Chattanooga Railway & Light Co. Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1027, 21 Ga. App. 104, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 455 Docket Number: 8806
Gleaton v. Georgia National Bank Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1023, 21 Ga. App. 100, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 451 Docket Number: 8647
Lindsey v. . Mitchell Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 955, 174 N.C. 458, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 120
Baker v. . Austin Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 949, 174 N.C. 433, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 113
Brown v. . Taylor Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 982, 174 N.C. 423, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 111
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad v. Paulsen Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1022, 21 Ga. App. 80, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 437 Docket Number: 8342
Horton v. State Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1012, 21 Ga. App. 120, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 459 Docket Number: 8945
State Ex Rel. Anderson-Oliver v. United States Fidelity Co. Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 948, 174 N.C. 417, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 109
Kime v. . Riddle Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 946, 174 N.C. 442, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 116
Brimmer v. M. H. Brimmer & Co. Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 984, 174 N.C. 435, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 114
Pruitt v. . Bethell Date Filed: October 31st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 945, 174 N.C. 454, 1917 N.C. LEXIS 119
Johnson v. Johnson Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1027, 21 Ga. App. 167, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 496 Docket Number: 8525
Harrell v. First National Bank Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1018, 21 Ga. App. 159, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 494 Docket Number: 8456
Smith v. City of Atlanta Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1022, 21 Ga. App. 172, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 505 Docket Number: 8779
Trammell v. Griffith Implement Co. Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1009, 21 Ga. App. 173, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 506 Docket Number: 8782
Harrell v. Holman Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1021, 21 Ga. App. 159 Docket Number: 8451
Kersey v. McGowan Undertaking Co. Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1017, 21 Ga. App. 157, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 491 Docket Number: 8367
Fleming v. State Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1012, 21 Ga. App. 188, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 517 Docket Number: 8974
Good Roads Machinery Co. v. Neal & Son Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1018, 21 Ga. App. 160, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 495 Docket Number: 8490
Planters Fertilizer Co. v. Smith Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1018, 21 Ga. App. 167, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 497 Docket Number: 8531
Bateman v. Cherokee Fertilizer Co. Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1021, 21 Ga. App. 158, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 492 Docket Number: 8403
Simerly v. Brooks Date Filed: November 1st, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1017, 21 Ga. App. 169, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 500 Docket Number: 8582
Corley v. Cobb County Date Filed: November 2nd, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1015, 21 Ga. App. 219, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 528 Docket Number: 8922
Daniel v. Nixon & Wright Date Filed: November 2nd, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1013, 21 Ga. App. 206, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 524 Docket Number: 8552
Sherrod v. Springfield Baptist Church Date Filed: November 2nd, 1917 Citations: 93 S.E. 1009, 21 Ga. App. 200, 1917 Ga. App. LEXIS 523 Docket Number: 8503