Tison v. Sword Date Filed: May 14th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1017, 22 Ga. App. 289, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 309 Docket Number: 9001
Kirkland v. Ferris Date Filed: May 14th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 971, 148 Ga. 84, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 194 Docket Number: No. 665
Armstrong v. Walton Date Filed: May 14th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1000, 22 Ga. App. 288, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 308 Docket Number: 8299
Julian v. . Daniels Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 907, 175 N.C. 549, 1918 N.C. LEXIS 112
Arrington v. State Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 980, 148 Ga. 115, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 214 Docket Number: No. 720
Lucas v. . Hardin Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 904, 175 N.C. 718, 1918 N.C. LEXIS 148
Mathews v. Mathews Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 962, 148 Ga. 116, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 215 Docket Number: No. 736
Dell v. Varnedoe Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 977, 148 Ga. 91, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 202 Docket Number: No. 557
Massengale v. Hodgson Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 975, 148 Ga. 97, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 203 Docket Number: No. 567
Bridges v. Williams Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 964, 148 Ga. 99, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 204 Docket Number: No. 586
Phillips v. Paul Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 969, 148 Ga. 104, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 206 Docket Number: No. 607
Duane Chair Co. v. Lewallen Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 997, 22 Ga. App. 307, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 319 Docket Number: 9211
Minder v. Empire Cement & Limestone Co. Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 961, 148 Ga. 88, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 198 Docket Number: No. 487
Spillar v. Dickson Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 994, 148 Ga. 90, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 199 Docket Number: No. 497
Morgan v. Morgan Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 964, 148 Ga. 90, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 200 Docket Number: No. 519
Central of Georgia Railway Co. v. Phillips Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 994, 148 Ga. 90, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 201 Docket Number: No. 529
Cobb v. Coffey Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 966, 148 Ga. 101, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 205 Docket Number: No. 604
Stewart v. County of Bacon Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 983, 148 Ga. 105, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 207 Docket Number: No. 618
Hutchins v. Hutchins Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 974, 148 Ga. 109, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 208 Docket Number: No. 630
Bartow County v. Young Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 977, 148 Ga. 110, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 209 Docket Number: No. 642
Puette v. . Mull Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 881, 175 N.C. 535, 1918 N.C. LEXIS 108
McKenzie v. Smith Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1000, 22 Ga. App. 300, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 316 Docket Number: 9085
Knight v. Rogers Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 997, 22 Ga. App. 308, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 321 Docket Number: 9255
Newman v. Redwine Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1001, 22 Ga. App. 324, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 325 Docket Number: 9343
Woody v. Carolina Spruce Co. Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 905, 175 N.C. 545, 1918 N.C. LEXIS 111
Jordan v. . Simmons Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 919, 175 N.C. 537, 1918 N.C. LEXIS 109
Guinn v. Truitt Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 968, 148 Ga. 112, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 211 Docket Number: No. 654
Prince v. Walsh & Co. Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 976, 148 Ga. 113, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 212 Docket Number: No. 658
McLean v. Mann Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 985, 148 Ga. 114, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 213 Docket Number: No. 666
Foster v. . Davis Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 917, 175 N.C. 541, 1918 N.C. LEXIS 110
Horton v. . Wilson Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 904, 175 N.C. 533, 1918 N.C. LEXIS 107
Sparks v. Yatesville Gin Co. Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1021, 22 Ga. App. 324, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 324 Docket Number: 8992
Marbut v. Southern Railway Co. Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1021, 22 Ga. App. 330, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 328 Docket Number: 9382
Randall Bros. v. City of Atlanta Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1016, 22 Ga. App. 301, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 317 Docket Number: 9127
Felker v. City of Monroe Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1023, 22 Ga. App. 301, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 318 Docket Number: 9134
Sutton v. Griner Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1004, 22 Ga. App. 307, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 320 Docket Number: 9220
Ozburn v. Morris & Co. Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1019, 22 Ga. App. 325, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 326 Docket Number: 9368
Cook v. Cobb & Roper Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1022, 22 Ga. App. 328, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 327 Docket Number: 9371
Georgia Coast & Piedmont Railroad v. Smith Date Filed: May 15th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1017, 22 Ga. App. 332, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 329 Docket Number: 9383
Amos v. Continental Trust Co. Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1025, 22 Ga. App. 348, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 333 Docket Number: 8965
Anderson v. C-R-C Law List Co. Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1012, 22 Ga. App. 368, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 343 Docket Number: 9451
Willard v. Stone Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 994, 22 Ga. App. 335, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 330 Docket Number: 9384
Mayor of Arlington v. Calhoun Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 991, 148 Ga. 132, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 220 Docket Number: No. 639
Davis v. Freeman Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 980, 148 Ga. 117, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 216 Docket Number: No. 502
Daniel v. Johnson Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1015, 22 Ga. App. 379, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 348 Docket Number: 9403
Higgs v. State Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 994, 148 Ga. 136, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 221 Docket Number: No. 712
Morgan v. Argard Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 986, 148 Ga. 123, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 218 Docket Number: No. 570
Colquitt Lumber Co. v. Hodges Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 998, 22 Ga. App. 373, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 344 Docket Number: 9338
Bond v. Bond Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1005, 22 Ga. App. 366, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 342 Docket Number: 9411
Dumas v. Stafford & Son Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1009, 22 Ga. App. 365, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 341 Docket Number: 9232
Sinyard v. Couch Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 961, 148 Ga. 123, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 217 Docket Number: No. 524
Hendricks v. Rogers Date Filed: May 16th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1009, 22 Ga. App. 357, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 335 Docket Number: 9108
McGarity v. Simpson Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 968, 148 Ga. 146, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 225 Docket Number: No. 670
Turner v. Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1001, 22 Ga. App. 403, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 365 Docket Number: 9429
Fine v. Frankel Clothing Co. Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1017, 22 Ga. App. 404, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 367 Docket Number: 9521
Simpson v. Simpson Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 961, 148 Ga. 151, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 230 Docket Number: No. 872
Crapp v. State Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 993, 148 Ga. 150, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 229 Docket Number: No. 854
Byne v. Farmers Bank Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 971, 148 Ga. 144, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 224 Docket Number: No. 624
Bradley v. Duggar Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 996, 22 Ga. App. 386, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 352 Docket Number: 9113
Fudge v. State Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 980, 148 Ga. 149, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 228 Docket Number: No. 851
Hightower & Co. v. First National Bank Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 993, 148 Ga. 148, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 227 Docket Number: No. 773
Jones v. Funston Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1003, 22 Ga. App. 410, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 370 Docket Number: 9596
Farrar Lumber Co. v. Pickering Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1001, 22 Ga. App. 404, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 366 Docket Number: 9448
Southern Railway Co. v. Rollins Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1020, 22 Ga. App. 393, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 358 Docket Number: 9210
Hopson v. Stuart Lumber Co. Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1015, 22 Ga. App. 392, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 357 Docket Number: 9206
Busby & Son v. Elliott Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1014, 22 Ga. App. 391, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 356 Docket Number: 9200
Land Trust Co. v. Morgan Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1006, 22 Ga. App. 388, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 355 Docket Number: 9194
Garrett v. Fields Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1014, 22 Ga. App. 381, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 349 Docket Number: 9066
Hogan v. Hogan Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 972, 148 Ga. 151, 1918 Ga. LEXIS 232 Docket Number: No. 888
Veal v. Darley Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 999, 22 Ga. App. 405, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 368 Docket Number: 9550
McQueen v. Fisher Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1004, 22 Ga. App. 394, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 359 Docket Number: 9214
Reed v. West Loan & Trust Co. Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1002, 22 Ga. App. 397, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 360 Docket Number: 9231
Beck v. Armour Fertilizer Works Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1002, 22 Ga. App. 411, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 371 Docket Number: 9402
Terry v. Thompson & Bros. Date Filed: May 17th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 1010, 22 Ga. App. 406, 1918 Ga. App. LEXIS 369 Docket Number: 9570
Moseley v. Smith Date Filed: June 11th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 503, 109 S.C. 170, 1918 S.C. LEXIS 208 Docket Number: 9857
Witherspoon v. Witherspoon Date Filed: June 23rd, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 77, 108 S.C. 394, 1918 S.C. LEXIS 163 Docket Number: 9871
Moser v. Fort Mill Manufacturing Co. Date Filed: July 6th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 342, 109 S.C. 125 Docket Number: 9910
Sparks v. Atlantic Coast Line R. Co. Date Filed: July 6th, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 344, 109 S.C. 145 Docket Number: 9920
State v. . Davis Date Filed: December 22nd, 1918 Citations: 95 S.E. 48, 175 N.C. 724, 1918 N.C. LEXIS 152